September 19th, 2022 12:30PM Eastern Standard Time
Orlando, Fl - CassianRx and Lumicera Health Services deliver joint presentation at NASP Annual Meeting & Expo. The presentation, titled "Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on Digital Patient Engagement". as delivered by Dr. Collin Wolf, CassianRx President, Digital Strategy and Dr. Chelsea Hustad, Lumicera Health Services Director of Specialty Pharmacy Clinical Services detailed the latest innovations in digital patient engagement as implemented at Lumicera Health Services in collaboration with CassianRx.

Dr. Hustad opened the presentation with the opportunities for digital patient engagement services as identified by the collaboration, while identifying the roles each stakeholder plays for each component of the specialty journey. In the second section, Dr. Hustad identified how patients, pharmacists, drug manufacturers, health plans, and physicians would need to interface with each patient engagement service to maximize utility. Dr. Collin Wolf presented patient responses to digital patient engagement, and their preferences for engagements moving forward. "Over 95% of patients reported a preference towards Text and Email communications, or communication that saves them time when interfacing with the specialty pharmacy. With this understanding, we can leverage patient preference to deliver efficient specialty pharmacy communications."

In the third section of the presentation, Dr. Collin Wolf presented the outcomes of the collaboration to date, detailing each component of the specialty patient journey, and the patient engagement services. "To date, we are seeing over 65% of patients enrolling in digital patient engagement services, over 71% complete automated welcome packets & enrollment, 74% complete the welcome activities, 81% completing completely digitized refills, and 60% of patients completing digitized clinical assessments." Together, this technology provides tremendous advances in the ability for specialty pharmacies to scale operations, while communicating with patients according to their preference.

For Questions & Comment, please contact Collin.Wolf@CassianRx.com